If dreams are an interpretation of our unconscious thoughts, hidden carefully in our sub conscience, have you ever wondered that they can be more honest than truth itself?
They can also be extremely blunt, unmasked, innocent and candid.
Does it not also lead to another fact that dreams do not need to come true, for they are already a part of truth manifested in our sleeping wakefulness?
Dreams are the narration of our latent thoughts, where our conscience plays not just the role of a protagonist but also that of a story teller.
They can also be extremely blunt, unmasked, innocent and candid.
Does it not also lead to another fact that dreams do not need to come true, for they are already a part of truth manifested in our sleeping wakefulness?
Dreams are the narration of our latent thoughts, where our conscience plays not just the role of a protagonist but also that of a story teller.
For some, it acts as a wonderful balance between the crudity of real life and the benevolence of fantasy. It is like giving yourself an opportunity to do what you want or another chance to undo an undesired occurrence, the memories of which continue to torment your conscience.
So, in a nutshell, a dream is often a second thought or a second chance!
So, in a nutshell, a dream is often a second thought or a second chance!
Somebody told me the other day that there are times when he feels that he controls the sequences of his dreams. “The remote control is often in my own hands” he admitted. Unlike the unprecedented directions of destiny, in dreams you have the freedom and the opportunity to set your targets. Moreover, you lay the rules and pebble the road with your own imagination.
What do you say? Have you had a dream where you felt you were the mastermind who had the power to shift and change the pattern of your thoughts and translate them into sequences of your choice?
Let’s hear it from you today…